Jumblo Product Review

Jumblo is the product from Dellmont group. They uses the same technical platform like Betamax. The other Dellmont brands are ActionVoip, Voipgain, VoipBlast, Rynga, MyVoipTraffic, VoipPro, BestVoipReselling, and Telbo (USD Currency based).

Jumblo comes with 90 Freedays for the cost of 10 euros. This means you can call all countries in the free destinations listed in Jumblo website for 90 days at no costs. When the 90 days are over, you will keep your credit, and the normal rate will be charged for these destinations. You can get more Freedays by topping up your account with credit. Buying less than 10 euros credit will entitle you for half freedays - 45 days.

The complete rate list can be viewed from below URL -

SIP Settings for SIP settings of Jumblo :

SIP port : 5060
Registrar : sip.jumblo.com
Proxy server : sip.jumblo.com
Outbound proxy server : leave empty
Account name : your Jumblo username
Password : your Jumblo password
Display name/number : your Jumblo username or voipnumber
Stunserver (option) : stun.jumblo.com