SmartVOIP is Betamax product and buying credits from SmartVoip entitles you to 90 Freedays. This means you can call all countries in the free destinations listed in SmartVoip website for 90 days at no costs. When the 90 days are over, you will keep your credit, and the normal rate will be charged for these destinations. You can get more Freedays by topping up your account with credit.
Currently SmartVOIP is the lowest cost and best quality product among Betamax group for calling countries India, Pakistan and SriLanka. Here are the calling rates in AUD cents. India - 1.6 cents AUD, Pakistan - 5.9 Cents AUD and SriLanka -7.4 Cents AUD.
In Addition to the lower cost on above destinations. The calls are free (within free days) to below countries: Canada (Landline and Mobile), China (Landline and Mobile), France (landline), Germany (landline), Hong Kong (Landline & Mobile), Japan (Landline), Portugal (Landline), Russian Federation [moscow], Singapore (Landline), Spain (Landline), Taiwan (Landline), Thailand (Landline & Mobile), United Kingdom (Landline) and United States (Landline & Mobile).