PowerVoip is the product from Dellmont group. ActionVoip, Jumblo, VoipBlast, Rynga, VoipGain, MyVoipTraffic, VoipPro, BestVoipReselling and Telbo (USD Currency based) are other cousin from same family. You need to buy in USD voip units.
Strangely, there is no free call facility for most of the countries which can be called free by other products from Dellmont family. But the connection fee is 3.9 cents (US Dollar) which is quite cheap compared to other Dellmont products which is costing 11.5 cents USD (5 cents euro)
PowerVoip is charging 1.1 euro cents/min for India, 2.5 euro cents/min for Pakistan and 4.4 euro cents/min for Srilanka. PowerVoip may be suitable to you, if you need to call frequently to countries like India, Pakistan and Srilanka, at the same time you may not need to talk for longer period.